Castor (Ricinus Communis) Oil, Olive (Olea Europa) Oil, Distilled Water, Organic Amla (Phyllanthus Emblica), Organic Aloe (Aloe Ferox) Africana, Organic Brahmi (Bacopa Monniera), MSM (Methosulfonylmethane), Vegetable Glycerin, Vegetable Emulsifier, Vitamin E, Phenoxyethanol & Ethylhexyglycerin (Mild, Food Grade Paraben-free and Formaldehyde-free Preservative), Essential Oil Blend.
Cost: 8oz $16.50
Let me tell you about this wonderful product. When I first heard about the Qhemet Biologics line I was very interested. It is a natural product line that caters to naturally curly hair. I researched a little further and the general consensus was that the Amla and Olive Heavy Cream product was the goto product.
Well let me tell you, it is now my staple moisturizer! It is very thick and castor/olive oil based. When you turn the container over, no product spills out, that's how thick it is! I use it every night on WET hair as my moisturizer and always wake up to soft hair.
I tried it on dry hair, but it was not effective as it is on wet hair.
The verdict
I give it 5/5 stars! I have two in my stash and one on the way!